Crystals For Anything is Popsicle - Popsicle Container
This cute plastic popsicle contains crystals to help you remember that anything is possible. It comes with a fabric bag to hold the crystals while you rest them on your body. The content card lists the stones inside the popsicle. This is a fabulous gift for anyone who wants to see the possibilities.
- Clear Quartz - Amplify
Strawberry Calcite - See Possibilities
- Moonstone - Infinite Possibilities
Place your crystals into your pouch and rest them on your forehead, heart, or lower stomach.
This Chakra Stone is used for the following purposes:
This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a medical, psychological, or other professional treatment or advice. Please seek professional medical assistance from a healthcare provider.
What is Muscle Testing?
Learn how to muscle test yourself, to ensure this stone is right for you.