.5, .75, and 1 Inch Pink Aragonite Tumbled Chakra Stone
Chakra Crystal Pink Aragonite Meaning
Pink Aragonite increases your ability to feel compassion. It helps align you with who you are and stay centered in that alignment. With this increased energy of compassion, you begin to gain more understanding, patience, and tolerance for your weaknesses. In addition, Pink Aragonite soothes a heavy soul by aiding you in releasing destructive thoughts and the unrealistic expectations you and others may place on you. It helps you let go of the desire for others' approval and the limiting belief that no one cares about you. It eases the stress and fears that you must constantly fend for yourself because of past experiences. It Strengthens the Third-Eye, Higher Heart, Heart, Solar Plexus, and Root Chakras.
The photo is an example only. The actual size, shape, and colors will vary.
This Chakra Stone is used for the following purposes:
This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a medical, psychological, or other professional treatment or advice. Please seek professional medical assistance from a healthcare provider.
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